Here Hear Clinic

Hearing Clinics at Bisley Village Hall HearHereLogo

If you wear an NHS supplied hearing aid that requires basic maintenance or if you just need replacement batteries, pop along to Bisley Village Hall on the third Monday of the month between 10am and 12 noon and someone will be there to help you.  The clinics are free and are run on a first come first served basis.

The Community Café will be open so why not treat yourself to a cuppa while you’re there.

The NHS audiology-trained volunteers at the clinic can provide a range of services including: 

  • Checking the hearing aid is working properly 
  • Re-tubing, ear mould cleaning and battery replacement 
  • Checking the fitting of the hearing aid in the ear 
  • Advice on maintenance and cleaning of the hearing aid 
  • Advice and support on making the most of the hearing aid 
  • Information and signposting to other services and useful equipment 

Only ‘behind the ear’ hearing aids, issued by the local NHS trusts (Royal Surrey, Ashford and St. Peter’s and Frimley Park), can be supported at the clinic.