
'Teas on the Rec' & Summer BBQ - Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came and supported this super annual event.  It really was a lovely afternoon and evening.  Thanks also to all the many volunteers who helped make it so special.

Fair TradeLatest Eco Achievements

Thanks to our Eco Church Team who have been encouraging us as a Church and individuals to make changes to soften our environmental impact; we have been awarded the A Rocha Silver Award and are now registered as a Fair Trade Church.

Teas on the Rec BBQ – Thursday 25th July.

This week TOTR will be supporting Chase Hospice.

Friday 26th July, 9:30-11:30 The Hive, The Rectory Garden

The Hive holiday special for fun and games in The Rectory Garden, Clews Lane GU24 9DY. Older siblings are welcome too.

Sunday 4th August, 10am - Spotlight On Our Ministry In Schools.

Please join us for a special service at Bisley Church to hear more about and pray for the work of the Church in our schools.  Our guest preacher will be Shelley Blunden from Engage.

Sunday 1st September, 3pm - Messy Summer Special Re-run.

We will be re-running our Messy Summer Special in the Rectory Garden as the weather wasn’t playing ball in July!  The theme is going to be the story of Moses and the escape from Egypt - it could be very messy as we will be making the most of the outdoor space.  Please feel free to bring a picnic tea and blanket with you, we will supply the drinks.  All welcome.

Sunday 15th September, 11am – Pet Service in the Marque at West End

Open The Book

A small team from Church perform a bible story at both Bisley and West End schools every Monday morning during term time.  They need 2 lightweight suitcases with wheels to transport their costumes please.  They do not need to be beautiful as long as they can perform their tasks! Please contact the church office if you can help.

Volunteers Needed At Both Churches

If you are interested in helping with church cleaning, being a sides person, churchyard maintenance, reading at services, leading intercessions or helping with tech please have a chat with one of the wardens.  All these help our church run smoothly and can even be fun!

School Governor For Holy Trinity Primary School

Volunteer needed to be appointed as school governor for Holy Trinity Primary School.  If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Fiona or Chris Tew.

Tech Team Recruitment

Please let the church office know if you would be interested in undertaking some simple training on how to operate the new audio-visual project at West End Church and become a tech volunteer. 

Car Share

Eco Church LogoCar Shares

As part of our Eco Church initiative, we are hoping to encourage some car shares to church, meetings and volunteering duties.  Please do have a think if there’s anyone you could do a car share with.  Thank You.

Communication Developments

Since the installation of the screens at West End, over the coming weeks, we will be moving slowly towards sharing more information electronically whilst trying to ensure everyone can access all they need for all services.  This is work in progress, please do continue to share your thoughts with us.

A Rocha Eco Bronze Award Eco Church Logo

As a Church we have received A Rocha Eco Bronze Award.  Thanks to our Eco Team and all of you who have been making changes to soften our environmental impact through your actions.  We are now working towards silver, which we hope to achieve very soon.

Weekly Morning Prayer

Thursdays at 8am at Bisley church.

Churches Open During the Week

If the signs are out then please come in!

Come in.  We are open

Our Churchyards Are Always Open

We are very fortunate to have two beautiful churchyards in our parish.  They provide areas where you can wander around and admire the flowers, birds, butterflies and other insects that inhabit these spaces.   Or you can sit on one of the benches that are available and enjoy some peace and quiet away from the hustle and bustle of life.

Please feel free to visit our churchyards.