Eco Church

Eco Church LogoVolunteers for the Eco Church Team

If you are interested in joining the Eco Church team, please speak to either Alison W or Stacey to find out more.

Fair Trade Latest Eco Achievements

Thanks to our Eco Church Team who have been encouraging us as a Church and individuals to make changes to soften our environmental impact; we have been awarded the A Rocha Silver Award and are now registered as a Fairtrade Church.

Wildlife in our Churchyards

Take time to have a wander around our beautiful Churchyards and see what flowers, birds, butterflies, insects you can spot and let us know what you find.  We'd love to hear from you.  Email your comments to

Car ShareCar Shares

As part of our Eco Church initiative, we are hoping to encourage some car shares to church, meetings and volunteering duties.  Please do have a think if there’s anyone you could do a car share with.  Thank You.

Bisley Bees

Bisley Bees

The Bisley Bees have arrived and are hard at work in their hives at the back of Bisley Church.  You are welcome to come and say “Hello” to them but please observe the signs.  They are not naturally aggressive but keep your distance and avoid touching the hive. 

This is part of our Eco Church project and we are very grateful to Liz Noble for donating the hive and to Greg Reeve for providing the bees and his expertise in taking care of them for us.  

What we have been doing

Here is a list of just some of the things we have been doing as part of our Eco Church initiative:

  • 100% of the bulbs in our churches are now low energy
  • The bee hive is up and running at Bisley church
  • Recycled toilet paper is provided in our toilets
  • Re-useable crockery and cutlery are used whenever possible
  • Recycling bins are in place at both our churches
  • The Parish News is now being printed on lightweight paper
  • The new AV system at Holy Trinity will save on paper 
  • Any printing that is done is printed on recycled paper
  • Bug Hotel by Messy Church
  • Twinned toilets
  • Fairtrade products are used whenever possible
  • Shoe recycling project
  • Bike racks installed at both churches
  • Registered as a Fairtrade Church