Parish Magazine

The Parish Magazine, published every month, contains news and articles about church and other local activities and events plus regular items such as articles from the local schools, clubs and groups.  The Bisley & West End Parish News has a rolling 12 month calendar where the dates of local events are shown for free, to help eliminate clashing.  Not for profit, community events, i.e., school Christmas fairs, charity fund raisers, can be advertised for free depending on space being available.   Please contact to discuss.

​It also carries advertisements from many different local businesses and groups covering a wide range of skills and services.  Advertising enquiries

The current edition is always available in church priced at £1 a copy.  A yearly discounted subscription of £10.00 ensures that a copy is delivered directly to your door each month.  Subscription enquiries 

Contributions of articles and ideas for future editions are always welcome.  Articles for publication (preferably by email but may be hand-written or typed) should reach the Editor by 16th of the preceding month.  Email the editor