Welcome to our Children and Families page

Please keep following us on Twitter and Facebook  to stay up to date with all our plans and activities.

Children's Area

Our 10am services (except the first Sunday in the month) will be at Holy Trinity church, West End.  

We have set up a safe space at the back of the church for children and families to use during the services, if they would like to.  There are some toys and books for you to borrow.  Each week there will be some colouring or other activity that follows the theme of the readings and sermon on the table and chairs in the children's area.

All Together Worship

Our all together worship services are at 10am on the third Sunday of the month in Holy Trinity, West End.  These services are accessible for all ages and include singing led by our Worship Band.

Messy Church

Messy Logo

The first Sunday at 3pm is the home our Messy Church Sessions.  We're using the Bisley Village Hall for this monthly event, giving us a fantastic space to enjoy as we celebrate together.  The session will be everything you've come to love at our Messy Services and more, with activities, craft, worship, fellowship and food! 

Reader Volunteers Needed for both local schools

Bisley Primary School and Holy Trinity Primary School are both looking for volunteers to come into school on a regular basis and listen to children read.  As part of their safer recruitment process all volunteers need to be DBS checked and training would be provided.  Research is clear that reading little and often has a very positive impact on the progress children make not only with their decoding skills but also their comprehension ability.

If you are able to help, please contact the school office:

Bisley Primary - admin@bisley.surrey.sch.uk
Holy Trinity Primary - school@htp.tamat.org.uk