Electoral Roll
Each year in advance of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, we update the parish's Electoral Roll. Anybody with an interest in the effective running of the parish is welcome to be on the roll, and those with "official" duties (including sidespeople) are required to be. Membership of the Roll is open to anybody who is a member of the Church of England and either:
- is resident in the parish, and/or
- has regularly attended public worship during the last six months.
What is the Electoral Roll?
It is your parish church’s register of electors. In the same way that being on the civic Electoral Roll allows you to vote in parliamentary and local elections and referenda, joining the Church Electoral Roll means that you can vote on Church matters, attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and stand for election to the PCC.
Do I have to join?
You can, be a full and active member of The Church in Bisley and West End without joining the Roll. Being on the Electoral Roll does not involve any additional commitments, however the number of people on the roll does determine how the local church may be represented on the governing bodies of the wider Church of England.
Joining the Roll is compulsory if you wish to:
- Stand for election to the PCC or other synodical council (such as the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synod)
- Attend the APCM and participate in votes
What does the Electoral Roll affect?
The maximum number of PCC lay members: If the Roll is not representative this means that the PCC is too small for the workload involved, putting heavy strain on the members.
Representation on the governing bodies of the Church (PCC, Surrey Heath Deanery Synod, Guildford Diocesan and General Synod): The Church of England is governed by a synodical system which joins with the Bishops to make decisions. Being on the Electoral Roll is the entry point and Christians share an individual responsibility to be part of the “Body of Christ” and to participate fully in our part of His Church. This system is intended to enable church people at every level to be in touch with the Church as a whole and to play their part in decision making. Also, the system is intended to ensure that the laity have their place in every aspect of church life, including doctrine and services.
The Electoral Roll does NOT have a direct bearing in the way the Parish Share is assessed – it is based on estimated membership and socio-economic factors.
Do I qualify for the Roll?
To apply for the Electoral Roll you must meet ALL the following conditions:
- You must be aged 16 or over (though you can apply in the year you become 16 and your name will be entered once your birth date has passed).
- You must be baptised.
- You must be a member of the Church of England* and EITHER live in the parish OR have attended a church in the parish regularly for at least 6 months.
* The phrase “member of the Church of England” is explained below.
- Member of the Church of England
- Member of a Church in communion with the Church of England. The only Churches at present in communion with the Church of England are other Anglican Churches (excepting the so-called Anglican continuing Churches in North America) and some other foreign churches.
- Member of a Church not in communion with the Church of England but which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity; you must be prepared to also declare yourself a member of the Church of England. This category includes other Protestant denominations such as Moravian, Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist, as well as Roman Catholic, URC, Russian/Greek Orthodox etc.
- If you are a parish resident you do not have to actually attend the Church of which you consider yourself a member; but if you live outside the parish, the 6 months’ regular attendance at a church inside the parish is a requirement.
How do I apply?
Simply fill in the Electoral Roll Application/Enrolment form and return to the Electoral Roll Officer.
Where do I get the forms?
A downloadable version of the application for enrolment form is available here. Extra forms can be obtained from the Parish Office or from the back of each church.
What do I do with the form?
forms can be returned to the Electoral Roll Officer in one of the
following ways:
- Scan a signed copy of the completed form and email to the Electoral Roll Officer, or
- by post to the below address
9 Kings Road
West End
GU24 9LN
What happens to my data?
All the data from the collected forms is treated in accordance with the Parish GDPR data policy.
Electoral Roll Privacy Statement
I have further questions
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact the Parish Electoral Roll Officer via the contact form.